Our Story
After three pregnancies and three collective years of nursing, my house was full, my heart was full, but my bra was….. not.
Even before kids I never would have classified myself as large chested, but I felt great in my clothes and I always found bras that made me feel good. After kids? Nothing worked.
The cup size I was used to wearing left a big gap between my skin and my bra. And if I wore the cup size that actually fit, I felt like I had no shape in my clothes. I was frustrated, annoyed and depressed. Nothing fit. Not my bras, not my shirts, not my dresses. Nothing.
So, I made an appointment with a plastic surgeon to discuss breast augmentation. He took a tremendous amount of time going over all my questions and concerns, but ultimately I couldn’t go through with it. The elective surgery seemed too drastic, too permanent and it was way too expensive.
I committed myself to positive thinking. I told myself to be proud of my body. It grew three humans and kept each one fed for their first year of life. And, yes. It’s way cool my body did that, but I couldn't shake it. Why couldn't I feel proud of my body and confident in a tank top??

I was fed up. I felt like my only option was to get a boob job or suck it up and live with my ill-fitting bras and clothes. And I knew if I felt this way, other women did too. There had to be another way.
That's why I started Livi Lu Lane: To give women another option and empower them through a positive body image. I absolutely hated the way I felt, and my dream for this company - for this brand - is to keep other women from feeling that same way.
I want women who put on this bra to feel great and then forget about it. I want them to get dressed and move on with their day with confidence - ready to take on whatever challenge lies in front of them.
- Erin